Monday, November 15, 2004

November is Diabetes Month: Can Z-CoiL® Footwear Reduce Diabetics’ Impact?

Press Release Port Townsend, WA (PRWEB) November 16, 2004 -– Although Z-CoiL pain relief footwear are not promoted or approved by the FDA as appropriate shoes for diabetics, Z-CoiL dealers nationwide are finding that the cushioned padded forefoot bed and springy heeled shoe provide some relief for diabetic feet.

According to a Barbados report published in the medical journal Diabetes Care this month, people with diabetes, wearing inadequate footwear triples the risk of lower-leg amputation. Prompted by anecdotal reports of high rates of diabetes-related amputation rates in the Caribbean, Dr. Anselm J. M. Hennis from University of the West Indies in Bridgetown, Barbados, and colleagues investigated the situation there.

A Z-CoiL Dealer Comment:
Diabetics wear Z-Coils because some say the springy footwear dramatically reduces the swelling and stops the impact to their feet. Much of the swelling appears to depart when Z-CoiLs are worn. But, complications do not completely disappear because water retention and the constant pounding with each step they take contribute to the swelling. The built-in orthotic also protects the diabetic foot from injuries that could cause other problems.

Many Diabetics prefer the clogs because there are no seams that rub against their skin.

A Z-CoiL Dealer Story:
On Tuesday, an elderly gentlemen and his wife came into the store, complaining about burning and numbness in their feet. These are symptoms associated with a diabetes condition called neuropathy.

I later found out that he was a diabetic. She wasn’t.

They were interested in comfortable yet supportive footwear that took the pressure off their forefoot and metatarsal areas.

I put both of them in Z-CoiL Taos clogs. After walking around the store, they both felt pressure in their forefoot.

Z-CoiLs footwear has 31 adjustments
I switched his medium coils for larger ones and her small coils for medium. Then I rotated the position of the coil so the soft side of the coil was in the back of the shoe and the hard portion of the coil was in the front. This adjustment transfers the persons' weight to their heel and puts less pressure on their forefoot.

They were totally amazed that my quick adjustment relieved their pressure. They walked out of the store wearing matching clogs.

On Friday, I called the couple to see how they were doing. They both reported a significant reduction in the burning and throbbing sensation in their feet. Z-CoiLs had become their primary footwear.

NOTE: Click the title to read entire press release.

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