Posted by Jill H. on 2/08/05 at 08:47
Do you like your z-coils? I have had PF for 11 months - bought a pair of z-coils when me foot was still really bad even to walk a block. I didn't wear them much at that time, but am thinking about trying them again. I have made progress that I can walk around the block and am a little scared to try something else. Just wanted to get your feel for them. Thanks
Reply to Message # 168739
Re: z-coil shoes
Posted by Tim M. on 2/09/05 at 16:28
It's ALWAYS good to go slow whenever you're trying something new.
I've had PF for almost 25 years. I used to wear these hard orthotics made out of an orange plastic. They were great, until I broke one of them (it snapped right in half) on a backpacking trip with the Scouts. I had to hike out of a desert canyon with it taped together with adhesive tape. I was in agony.
Then, as I was getting used to my new orthotics, and I was favoring my bad foot, I rolled my ankle moving a piece of computer equipment at a client's office. MORE pain in the same foot!
My wife had cut an article out of the newspaper, almost a year before, about Z-Coils. She pulled the article out and scolded me for not looking into them. I bought a pair of the black, Freedom 2000 athletic-type Z-Coils and within a few weeks of wearing them (with an ankle brace for the bad ankle) my pain was virtually gone. I added a pair of the Desert Hiker Z-Coil boots and could stop wearing the ankle brace after a couple of months. I was going to get back to backbacking this last fall, but a different set of personal problems has kept me sidelined. This spring I hope to get back to hiking, much to the joy of my wife.
Here are a few tips. There are supposedly 31 different adjustments to the springs, so if they don't feel just right get back to the store where you bought them (they can adjust for heavy over-pronation, different length legs, etc., etc.). They can replace the coils with lighter or heavier springs, depending upon your weight and walking style. When I first started wearing them, I missed the feel of the support of the orthotic in my arch, so I bought some over-the-counter insoles called the Miracle 2oz (I think they're from ProFoot) and they felt just fine, I don't wear them anymore.
Again, go SLOW and hopefully the Z-Coils will work well for you. Good luck.
Reply to Message # 168819
Click title for more
Monday, February 28, 2005
Heelspurs Forum
Sunday, February 27, 2005
Sarah's Z-Blog: Email: Bad Neck Pains #2
Fri, 25 Feb 2005 19:43:37 -0500
>What is going on with your neck pains?
>Have you stopped wearing the Z-CoiLs?
Hi JackThings are going is getting busier. I visited Hugh (photo) the other day for some photos and a little Z adjustment. After discovering my right foot was far different then my left, he placed something under the insert to hold it up a little better while walking. I took some photos of him and his machine I will edit this evening and post on his blog.
Today was the first day I really got to experience a long walk with the Z's I walked over on the new Kingston-Seattle foot ferry and spent the day over there with my mom and bro. The small adjustment seemed to help quite a bit, I enjoyed wearing them and felt no real discomfort from the shoes (just my shoulders after carrying a heavy pack all day!) I'll write up a little report on it later.
How are things in your neck of the woods?
I'll talk to you later
Sarah's Z-Blog: Email: Bad Neck Pains
Sat, 19 Feb 2005 00:27:35 -0500
Hi Jack
Go to my Z folder at I've got all my photos there for now, until I can find some time to sign up with a new host such as 'Hello'
These are the photos I've been taking. I've messed around with the coloring on most of them and shrunk their size for the web.
I'm planning on visiting with Hugh next Tuesday since he's off on Monday. I'll bring my camera along for his photo, we can arrange something then. Maybe he'll let me take other style Zs out for a *photo shoot* in the area.
I'm not big on writing stories, especially about shoes. That's why my posts on the blog will be short and sweet! I think my best position will be getting customer photos and testimonials up on Hugh's blog, as well as trying to get some publicity for him through a local news group.
As far as wearing the Z's....It's been about 4 days. I'm experiencing some bad neck pains, it's an identical pain to whiplash. I was in a car wreck about a year and a half ago- that following week was the only other time I've experienced this I'm not sure if it's the Z itself, or maybe just the style of the high-ankle that I'm not used to. Either way, I'm going to walk in normal shoes for 1-2 days and see if it goes away...if not, then I know it's the Z's and I'm not sure what I'm going to do (Good thing I haven't paid $250 for a pair yet!)
I'll keep you posted this weekend
I love the photo where the Z is in a tree! Which one(s) do you like? Maybe I can print out a large photo for Hugh's store....
Friday, February 25, 2005
Testimonial: Lora Anderson
As a Radio City Rockette, I rehearse six hours a day in high heels! There is nothing better than slipping on a pair of [Z-CoiL ] clogs after doing our world-famous eye-high kicks! Lora Anderson
Lora Anderson, dancer, is excited to be a performing with her first ever modern dance company. With a B.S. in Dance Management from Oklahoma City University, Lora has danced professionally for 7 years and toured the United States, Europe, and Asia. She kicks up her heels with the Radio City Rockettes in NewYork City, but resides in Los Angeles where she has danced at Disneyland and Universal Studios. Some favorite musicals that she has performed in are A Chorus Line, Will Rogers Follies, Sweet Charity and Jesus Christ Superstar. Lora is a certified Pilates instructor and loves to train dancers, athletes and people from all walks of life.
Newsweek Article - Kicking It With the Rockettes (December 2004)
Tuesday, February 22, 2005
Press Release - Good Housekeeping Reports: Z-CoiL Footwear - Potentially Dangerous Shoes - Press Release
Albuquerque Corporate Office Sends Springy Soled Shoes To Women’s Magazine Without Qualified Fitters
i-Newswire, 2005-02-23 - Port Townsend, WA – Good Housekeeping Reports has published a video story on about Z-CoiL pain relief footwear that suggests that the springy soled shoes are unsafe on sticky surfaces and uneven terrain and could cause back strain.An independent Z-CoiL dealer says the Albuquerque, NM head office sent the 120-year-old women’s magazine six pair of shoes to be tested for the article. But, the corporate office did not provide qualified personal to fit the shoes to the feet of the Good Housekeeping staff members that participated in the investigative report. Z-CoiL footwear can be adjusted 32 different ways and are custom fitted to customer’s feet by trained individuals. The orthotic foot beds are not sold mail order or online for this very reason.
Z-CoiL owners are posting comments on the forum fuming over the unfavorable results of the Good Housekeeping "test."
Forum Excerpt:
As the owner of three pairs of z-coils, I was astonished at the results of the Good Housekeeping "test."
click title to read more
GH Media Site
PR Web
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
Dr. Stuart Hirsch, Chair of the Council on Communications for the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons
Monday, February 21, 2005
Rick Steves Graffiti Wall: Best Walking Shoes
Graffiti Wall: Best Walking Shoes:
"Best EVER shoes have springs
These are the best shoes I've EVER worn.
I can't say enough about the comfort I enjoyed in Italy, France, England.
They have springs on them so you don't keep 'hitting' the pavement. Instead, they ABSORB the shock for you and let you keep touring in comfort. They actually allowed me to walk all day long.
I have metatarsal pain, sometimes plantar facitis pain and bad knee arthritis, not to mention about 4 or 5 back injuries (and I'm only 35!).
I wore the white athletic shoe they sell, got tons of looks, and started lots of conversations in Italian/French. It was sensational.
Airport screeners were no problem, but were fascinated and it helped that I had a brochure to show they were for health reasons. They will X-ray your shoes to death, but no harm done. I hope you get some. I think the website is named after the shoes, do a search on Z-coils.
I read this wall before and bought Clarks of England. My feet still hurt! These blow all other 'sensible' shoes away, and hey, they even look Jetson-esque.
Frances Peterson <email>
San Francisco, CA USA Sun 08/15/2004 "
Mount Townsend Hike
Yesterday, we hiked Mount Townsend.
I used the spring on the desert hikers to absorb the impact on my knees on the way down the snow patch mountain side. This morning I hardly feel the hike. The last time we did Mount Townsend my knees ached the day after.
It was beautiful. We could see Seattle, Mount Baker/Adams/Rainier and Vancouver Island, BC.
Saturday, February 19, 2005
Hiking In The Olympic Mountain Range
My legs were a little stiff at the end of the treck, but my "bad" back didn't feel it at all.
I have been wearing Z-CoiL’s ever since the Puyallup Fair, September 2004. I worked the 17-day event for Your2Feet, the Seattle Z-CoiL independent dealer, as a favor and to record and publish customer stories. Up until that time, I had simply set-up blogs for dealers in exchange for footwear. I picked up a pair of Z-CoiLs in August 2004 on my way through Seattle to Priest Lake, Idaho for a two-week vacation. I didn’t wear the black Cloudwalkers until the Puyallup Fair because my intent for the spring soled shoes was to wear them only while attending high tech trade shows. For the past 15 years, I have been a digital media technology journalist following industry trends and products.
I have a bad back due to working as a newspaper boy while in grammar school selling papers at Fort Ord, CA to Viet Nam bound troops for a three cent per paper commission. I remember making about $4 per four hour shift, seven days a week.
I first discovered Z-CoiLs at the 2003 Health and Harmony Festival in Sonoma County while covering the event for the New Digital Reporter, an online high tech publication. Here is the blog I set-up for the Santa Rosa dealer with a couple of customer audio/photo interviews. Listen to the audio interview (2 minutes, wav) I did with Carolyn Linzner, the owner of A Step Above Footwear in Santa Rosa, CA.
For background and personal information, check out my LiveJournal. I’ve been posting to it since 1999.
updated: April 08, 2005
Friday, February 18, 2005
Good Housekeeping: Testing Z-CoiL Shoes - Broadcast: Streaming Video
Good Housekeeping: Testing Z-CoiL Shoes - Broadcast: Streaming Video: "A new shoe on the market with a spring in the heel promises to alleviate foot, leg and back pain.But when a woman broke her leg wearing them, GH decided to test them.
Click to begin watching: Testing Z-CoiL Shoes
Report Comment:
In viewing your article on the Z-Coil shoes I was very disturbed by the biased comments. The Staffers that said she "thought" that her heel hurt and that the shoes were unstable were really working to make a story. I have a very serous back injury that has caused serious pain every day for over 35 years. I lived on pain medication with no effect. The three + years that I have worn the Z- Coils is the first time I have been totally Pain free. I also had arthritic pain in my knee from an injury. NO MORE PAIN. I have talked to many medical personel who do and do not wear the shoes and they all strongly recommend them for their patients. The article takes away from your credibility. Ken Carter Scottsdale, Arizona
Thursday, February 17, 2005
Renown Computer Author and Columnist John Dvorak Sports Z-CoiL's!
"John Dvorak, a renown author and columnist, has recently been fitted with a pair of Z-CoiL Pain Relief Footwear! John is a current PC Magazine Columnist writing Inside Track, an essay and a weekly online column. These articles are licensed around the world. Also a weekly columnist for CBSMarketwatch, Info! (Brazil) and BUG Magazine (Croatia). John has written over 4000 articles and columns as well as authoring or co-authoring 14 books. He was the 2003 Award winner of the American Business Editors Association's national gold award for best online column of 2003.
CeBit 2004 Photo Essay: T-Mobile had a slew of showgoers wearing this "Just Relax" visor and headset. I don't know what went on with this campaign, but it caused everybody to want to be T-Mobile salespeople. Ommmmmmmmm! John Dvorak
John spends a lot of time on his feet, especially when he attends the various conferences and computer shows, like CeBit that is coming up in Germany and needed something that will provide him comfort at those gruelling affairs.
So, check out his feet the next time you see him at a convention!
Caesar Snee
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Z-Adventure's Starts Today
Sarah Schoenberg, artist/photographer, strikes a pose with Sadie, brown-eyed dog, wearing a pair of trail worn Rusty Hikers. Sarah will be documenting her Z-CoiL experiences through a variety of multimedia formats on Z-Adventure blog.
Monday, February 14, 2005
EZ-Shoes : Overstock sale!
Z-CoiL Footwear : Overstock sale!
Caesar Snee, Owner EZ-Shoes, San Jose, CA: A local doctor has been a Z-CoiL Dealer for about the same amount of time as I have, but decided that he wanted to be a doctor, not run a footwear business! So, he asked me to help him get rid of his inventory since I am now fitting his patients. So, his loss is your gain!
We have to clear out over 100 pair of various styles and sizes of Z-CoiL's as quickly as possible. None of the new styles are included and we do not have all sizes in all styles, so first come - first served! It's a great time to get that second (or third or fourth) pair of Z's that you have been wanting but haven't gotten around to purchase.
Hope to see you in the store soon!
Sunday, February 13, 2005
Silicon Valley Sleuth: Google's secret sauce
Silicon Valley Sleuth: Google's secret sauce: "The secret behind Google's success apparently isn't their state of the art search algorithm. Both Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin are wearing magic ZcoiL sneakers, SV Sleuth found out yesterday at the company's Christmas party for members of the media. Brin claimed he introduced his co-founder to the supernatural shoes."
click title for more
Thursday, February 10, 2005
Wednesday, February 09, 2005
Testimonial: Debra Tompkins
Z-Life of Tampa Bay - Authorized Dealers of Z-Coil Pain Relief Footwear
My name is Debra Tompkins. 34 years ago, I had an auto accident with a VW bug hitting the abutment of a bridge and on impact, my right ankle went between the brake and clutch and tore my foot 3/4 off.
I have gone through surgeries to extend achilles tendon in attempts to straighten my toes. I see a podiatrist every ten weeks and he has tried to make me more comfortable by making inserts and lifts for my shoes but I have never really been comfortable living with the situation.
Early this year, I had developed a wound on the scar tissue, needed vascular attention and had a UNA-Boot from February-June. With mobility issues anyway, the UNA-Boot gave me even more mobility problems - probably for a year plus. I have been taking 4,000 mg of ibuprophen daily. The throbbing pain in my right ankle would begin about 9:00 am and when I would get home from work (as a dental hygenist) I'd have to go right to bed and take more ibuprophen to calm the ankle down. My life had become very limited physically. I was not able to stand straight and limped a lot with every step.
Two weeks ago, I was at a physical therapy office to seek help for my badly injured right ankle and was prescribed Z-Coil Pain Relief Footwear. Since I received the Z-Coils and wear them daily - NO other shoes - I no longer need to take ANY ibuprophen, plus I stand straight - and no limp either! Everyone who knows my history is in disbelief as to how I can walk and stand straight and tall with NO PAIN!
I owe my "No Pain, No Limp, No Bent Over New LIFE" to Z-Coil and now have 3 pairs of Z-Coils and I am so, so --so happy!
Tuesday, February 08, 2005 - Z-Coil Pain Relief Footwear Love Affairs - Press Release
Super Special Springy Soled Shoe Stories
-Newswire, 2005-02-09 - PORT TOWNSEND, WA ( February 8, 2005 ) – In celebration of Valentines Day, February 14th, the Z-Blog Reporter, an interactive informational resource for independent Z-CoiL dealers and owners, is featuring customer stories regarding their love affairs with Z-CoiL Pain Relief Footwear. (click title for more)
PR Web
Monday, February 07, 2005
Ted Shelton: ZCoil is 'z best...
Ted Shelton: ZCoil is 'z best...: "It may surprise some of you who have known me for a long time to learn that I have become an avid runner. 5-6 miles 2-3 times a week has helped me lose and keep pounds off. But last year I suffered an ilio-tibial band injury... very painful. I couldn't walk without pain for days and for months I had trouble running. Since recovery I have been very cautious about not running on pavement and not running for too long.
Then I heard about ZCoil Shoes.
OK, they look strange. And the look may be enough to stop you from trying them. BUT, if you can get past the look you will be amazed by the ride. I can run again for long distances with no pain. The spring built into the heel absorbs most of the shock of impact. I even like to wear them when I go for a walk in the morning with my daughter -- it is a half mile downhill to the Peet's Coffee and I can really feel the difference when I am wearing my ZCoils.
If you enjoy running but experience knee, hip, or back pain -- give the ZCoil a try. I continue to be amazed after almost a month."
Ted Shelton
Early adopter, entrepreneur, leader interested in software, the Internet, mobile telephony and computing, and VoIP. Founder or senior management with CallTrex, Borland (BORL), The Dr. Spock Company, Neta4, WhoWhere?, CMP Media, and IT Solutions.
Total Relief Footwear - Testimonial: Marc Hayworth
Total Relief Footwear - Austin, TX:
In very rough seas aboard a Navy ship, I was thrown into a hatch, resulting in a cracked vertebra and several ruptured disks. I also broke my ankle and fractured my knee. I spent three years in the hospital enduring several surgeries and ongoing rehabilitation. Since my injury, pain has been part of my daily life. At the beginning of the work week my pain is manageable, but my condition deteriorates with each passing day. By Friday, I am normally a wreck.
My wife discovered Z-CoiLs watching an advertisement on TV and did some research about Z-CoiLs on the internet. I was extremely skeptical, thinking these shoes were just another "snake oil" remedy promising pain relief, only to fall short of their claims. In fact, the ONLY reason that I came to Total Relief Footwear was to appease my wife. I was in a considerable amount of pain when I walked into the store. Cam White, the owner thoroughly explained the design of the shoe, and then fitted me with the black Freedom 2000 shoes. As soon as I got on my feet, I began to feel immediate relief from the pain in my back. I was walking straighter, and was much less dependent on my cane. After a few adjustments to the footwear, the shoes felt even better.
If the footwear offered 10 - 20 percent improvement in pain relief, the cost would have been worth it. I honestly believe that Z-CoiLs have given me a 300 percent improvement in my condition. I have far less pain and fatigue on a daily basis, and now Friday feels the same as Monday. My experience at Total Relief Footwear was great. It's obvious that they are in the business of taking care of their customers.
Marc Hayworth
Round Rock, TX"
Testimonial : Z-CoiL's Survive Father/Daughter Sock Hop!
Z-CoiL's Survive Father/Daughter Sock Hop!: "What a night! Over 300 screaming teanagers, their dad's, 3 hours of blaring music from the 1950's and hours of dancing the Swing! I had the pleasure of escorting my daughter to this wonderful event, preceded by dinner at a 1950's type diner and a ride to the event in a cherry 1957 Chevy!
Last year, it was a formal event, and my daughter would not let me wear my Z's, and what a mistake that was... This year, I had to find a way! How do you work Z-CoiL's into a 1950's theme?? The solution... a biker theme with a pair of Z-Duty work boots! And boy was I glad I did! I managed to dance the whole evening, being one of the last survivors in the Swing contest, and outlasting almost all of the other Dad's! Here's yours truly and my beautiful date:
So you see, Z-Coil's can fit into any situation!
Till later,
Caesar Snee
Owner EZ-Shoes
San Jose, CA
Friday, February 04, 2005
Testimonial: Michael E. Schneider
Testimonial: Michael E. Schneider
If you have to spend long hours on your feet, you are a fool not to have them [Z-CoiL® footwear]. They are very forgiving. I have a fused left ankle. I walk heel first and the coil definitely cushions the impact, allowing me to spend more time on my feet. They give me more time to make money at my job. They pretty much double my earning power. I couldn't work any other way.
Michael E. Schneider
Carson, WA
Thursday, February 03, 2005
Total Relief Footwear - Z-CoiLs Around the World
Total Relief Footwear - Blog
Photo: Total Relief Footwear Z-CoiLs Around the World Photo Gallery (Click Title To See More)
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
Z-Coil: Customer Satisfaction Drives Sales
Promotional Products Blog - Thursday, January 06, 2005 Entries: "Z-Coil has a simple business philosophy: build the most comfortable shoe in the world. And, according to hundreds of testimonies from customers they're doing a pretty good job.
By responding to the needs of a particular market segment - people who, quite literally, feel pain wearing normal shoes - Z-Coil is creating a passionate customer base who will do anything, including driving 3 hours to get to a store that carries the products."