Saturday, June 04, 2005

your2feet: Marchers Wanted! Join us June 18 in Fremont at noon with your Z-coils!

Your2Feet Booth: The Fremont Fair 2004Posted by Hello

"We are starting the summer season celebrating pain relief with other like minded people at this year's Fremont Fair June 18 and 19. The theme for the Solstice Parade, starting at noon Saturday June 18, is: Light and Dark. We are incorporating this theme into our Spring into Wellness participation of Z-coil wearers. Come see the Z-coil wearing Avenger Superhero take on the forces of pain (darkness) in the classic battle of good against evil.

If you wear Z-coils and want to join in the festivities, the Fremont Arts Council website gives more info. We will have a booth on Phinney Ave (same place as last year). Meet us before noon at the booth or at the parade itself which starts on 36th Ave.

Please bring your favorite pair of Z-coils and a smile to share on the 1 and a half mile march to Gasworks Park.

We want to spark audience participation with a trampoline to bounce on during the march.

The Z-coil gives more shock absorption (than regular shoes) with every step, up to 50%. Let's spread the word of our pain relieving message.

Photos/Videos Fremont Fair 2004

See you there!

Dr. Lotchie Kerch
Seattle WA

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