Church of the Customer: 10 resolutions for 2005: "2004 was a busy year for word of mouth. From BzzAgents to blogs to podcasting, marketers have more tools than ever to facilitate buzz.
That's word of mouth. Customer evangelism focuses on building relationships with existing customers who spread the word and believe in your company, its people or its values. Customer evangelists volunteer to help you find other customers just like themselves to help grow and strengthen your community. They do this voluntarily because you have bonded with them emotionally.
2005 may be the year that word of mouth and customer evangelism come into their highest prominence yet; to help out, we have assembled a list of ten resolutions to consider for the new year. After all, year-long resolutions about customers seem a lot easier than staying with a new diet."
Thursday, December 30, 2004
Church of the Customer: 10 resolutions for 2005
Z Coil Shoes: Forum
Z Coil Shoes
Posted by Trudy on 11/23/04 at 11:44
I have heard alot about the Z-Coil Shoes. I would like to hear from people that have tried these.
Posted by Lynn F. on 11/23/04 at 15:38
Trudy - I know 2 people (one with PF) who swear by them. I thought they were quite strange at first but now I am willing to give them a shot. I asked my podiatrist about them today in fact, but he wasn't familiar with them and couldn't offer advice. I'm going to order them and will post once I've tried them.
Click title for more
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
Interested in setting up a blog? Expert tells you how
MONTREAL (CP) -- Weblogs, known as blogs, are growing by bits and bytes as everyday people become self-publishers who espouse their personal views without the discerning filter of the mainstream media.
Thousands of new blogs are created around the world every day, and experts have a few tips for those looking to join the burgeoning online phenomenon.
James Elve, creator of the website, says blogs provide regular citizens with a chance to become independent publishers on a shoestring.
Prospective bloggers can visit the site, where they can set up their own web publication in less than 10 minutes -- free of charge.
Some, such as, offer practical entrepreneurial advice on marketing, customer service and public relations.
Click Title To Read More
Monday, December 27, 2004
Z-CoiL Footwear : San Jose Shark's Mark Smith in Z-CoiL's!
Z-CoiL Footwear : San Jose Shark's Mark Smith in Z-CoiL's!
Mark Smith, center for the San Jose Sharks, is the latest celebrity in Z-CoiL Pain Relief Footwear! Mark came into our store on Saturday to buy a pair of Nikes for training purposes, which we do not carry. He tried a pair of Z-CoiL's on and took them for a run outside and was very impressed in the amount of impact reduction that is provided. After a couple of slight adjustments, he was on his way!
Till later,
San Jose, CA
Saturday, December 18, 2004
Last night I attended my first bloggers meeting
Ben McConnell, author of Creating Customer Evangelists, organized an informal meeting at the Westlake Center Food Court.
I was able to share with the others:
- Pete Winemiller, VP service development of the Seattle Sonics
- C. Clara Nelson, American Marketing Association program manager
- Toby Bloomberg, Bloomberg Marketing
- Deborah Franke Emerson, came from Texas
- Paul Williams, Starbucks Brand Autopsy
- Tracy Stevens, Intuit
- William Flitter, Pheedo
- Ben McConnell, came from Chicago
- Alice Cunningham from Olympic Hot Tub Co.
about how I first heard Ben speak in New Mexico in June on the subject of customer evangelists.
It was a real eye opener to have defined for me those folks that came in to tell me about my business. Prior to his presentation, I was not receptive to those folks coming in giving me real time feedback and ideas on their vision for my business. Since his talk, I am much more ready to adjust, revise, change or at least listen to my customer evangelists-some of whom are created on the spot once they have tried on the Z-coil footwear for the first time. Experiencing pain relief for some is so life changing, they want to impart their insights into how to insure that my business succeeds.
I was able to thank Ben for the insight he gave me on who this person is, and how this information changed my business practice.
Last night, Alice Cunningham heard my name and remembered meeting me years ago (20+) at the WBO and a common acquaintance we had. She impressed me with her memory skills and the stories she told of the little things she does to thank her customers. When a repeat customer moved for the third time into a house with a pool and told her he would not be purchasing that
third hot tub, she sent him towels and a couple of rubber duckies saying "Please use these until you decide you want to go back to a hot tub" and other such vignettes.
Pete Winemiller shared how he hires people who not only have the people skills to greet and serve the public, but they must be problem solvers in the moment. So the concessionaire who hears a disgruntled season pass holders complaint on Friday night is not only empowered to assist the customer, but this is their job description. The goal is to not have this same customer calling on Saturday morning still not properly assisted.
Many of those present talked about the blog experience. Ben asked me when will I be posting on my blog. This will be my first attempt. Let me know if you see it!
Lotchie Kerch DPM
owner of Your 2 Feet
a pain relief foot center in Seattle, Wa.
Friday, December 17, 2004
ABQjournal: For Neighbors in Need, You Came Through
ABQjournal: For Neighbors in Need, You Came Through: "After an Albuquerque shoe store manager read of the many tragedies that befell the Kerrigan family, he offered custom-fit Z-coil shoes for Leslie Kerrigan, who suffers agonizing back pain. He realized his donation would not ease the pain of losing her 17-year-old daughter or replace the two homes lost to fires, but he hoped the specialty shoes would alleviate back pain so Leslie can work again. She is the sole provider and caretaker for her husband, who suffers from Alzheimer's disease, and their adult son, who has developmental disabilities and epilepsy."
By Linda Burke
For The Telegraph
Bethel Community Storehouse
Thursday, December 16, 2004
Church of the Customer: Firefox ad runs around the world
Church of the Customer: Firefox ad runs around the world: "The now infamous Firefox ad ran in the NY Times today. It's a two-page spread on pages A24 and A25. Over 10,000 names of customer evangelists who donated money to make the ad possible appear in the ad (albeit in extremely small typeface.)
You can see the Mozilla press release and actual ad here. Or buy a commemorative poster of the ad here : )
While the ad design itself is not super remarkable, it's the idea of rallying customers together to support the ad that is rather amazing.
Rob Davis, who drove the ad idea, says they hit their first goal of 2,500 donations in 17 hours. In the end, 10,000 individuals, families, and companies donated over $250,000.
German customer evangelists also jumped on the idea. 2,403 people donated $93,000 for an full-page ad (PDF) that appeared in the business section of the Frankurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ).
Think this is just warm and fuzzy hype?
Goody 2 Shoez Waco, TX: Testimonials, Video Interview, Z-Circus Pix
“My work week consists of 70 + hours per week. My feet hurt so bad at the end of the day that when I went to bed at night I had to prop my feet up on a pillow so that they did not touch the bed while I slept. I have always said that there is no way I would ever spend more that $100 on a pair of shoes but that all changed when tried on the Z-Coils. Now that I have been wearing Z-Coils I can sleep normal, and I do not have near as much pain in my feet and back.”
Kenneth B.
Teague, TX
“ I have plantar fasciitis and Morton’s neuroma, I have had neuromas removed from one foot. I work 4-5 days per week 7:00 AM – 4:30 PM taking care of patients at the hospital. I have noticed that since I have been wearing Z-Coils I have been able to continue to work hard, I have been able to keep up my pace and still have energy at the end of the day. They do make my life a lot better. I wear them all of the time.”
Kay O.
Robinson, TX
Video: News Segment November 2004
Photo: Z-Coils at the Circus
Monday, December 13, 2004
Spring's Pain Relief Z-CoiL Footwear: Testimonial: Auto Accident Retail Worker
2004 Puyallup Fair: Audio Interview: Susan works at Safeway and was in an auto accident and...
Blog: Tangled Threads and Seaweed: In Absentia
Going to visit doctors has become a big part of my life. I don't know how old people can stand to do this all the time, because it makes me crazy. Sure, you know what day it is, but it is exhausting to do all this running around. Getting older just isn't easy or fun. The day after my stitches came out of the left hand/wrist, I had a checkup with the orthopedic doctor. That office was stacked full of people, and I was glad Joe didn't come with me for that appointment. It took over 1.5 hours total - I got my knee drained again and a different medication injected into it which is supposed to be a better anti-inflammatory treatment. Since I was still having problems walking well, we discussed braces, drugs, and other longer-term treatments...
I also got a pair of the Z-Coil shoes like Joe has been wearing and I noticed a HUGE improvement after just one afternoon.
If only these shoes weren't so damn ugly... they have a huge coil spring under the heel which provides cushioning from the impact of walking. They are marketed for relief from heel, leg, and back pain. They aren't cheap but they sure seem to be worth the cost.
BBC NEWS | Health | Diabetes vaccine trials to begin (Video)
BBC NEWS | Health | Diabetes vaccine trials to begin: "A vaccine that could cure Type 1 diabetes is to be tested on people for the first time.
King's College London and Bristol University have recruited 72 diabetic patients for the trials in late Spring.
The vaccine works by stopping the destruction of pancreas cells that produce insulin, which is needed to break down sugar in the normal way.
If successful, they will recruit more volunteers with the help of the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation.
Georgina Slack, head of research at Diabetes UK, said: "A hundred years ago, Type 1 diabetes was a death sentence.
"We have come a long way in terms of managing the condition.
"Now we are seeing new approaches in research emerge which are improving the chances of providing a cure.
"There is no doubt that any breakthroughs would have a huge impact on the treatment of people with diabetes.""
Thursday, December 09, 2004
ABQjournal: Deceased Daughter Is Only One of Family's Devastations
ABQjournal: Deceased Daughter Is Only One of Family's Devastations Few families suffer the myriad losses the Kerrigan family has sustained in less than a decade.
Most devastating was the death of their 17-year-old daughter to a speeding driver. The Kerrigans' niece and nephew survived the accident, but the impact of the crash ejected Tamara 180 feet from the car, and she died instantly.
After the memorial service, the family kept Tamara's ashes in an urn at their home to feel closer to her. In 1997, Tamara's urn was the only thing to survive a terrible fire that swept through and destroyed the Kerrigans' home. All their pictures of Tamara were lost in the house fire, another devastating blow for the family still grieving the loss of their daughter. Later, as a gift, Leslie Kerrigan's mother would give her the photographs she had of Tamara.
The family relocated to the East Mountains to try to rebuild their lives. Neither Leslie nor Michael Kerrigan had formal educations beyond high school, but both were hard-working— she a waitress and he a chef. They focused on getting their lives back on track and helping their son, Jason, who is challenged by developmental disabilities and epilepsy...
Just when it seemed there was nothing more this family could be dealt, Leslie, the family's last breadwinner, injured her back at work. She slipped on a wet floor while carrying a heavy bucket.
Despite her injury and severe pain, she continued to work a number of days each week.
She had no choice as the sole provider for her family. But eventually the pain from being on her feet and carrying heavy trays of food became more than Leslie could manage. When she couldn't keep up with the work schedule, she was fired.
"I wouldn't wish this on anyone," said Leslie of the family's series of devastating experiences.
Leslie has been told that Z-coil shoes could help alleviate enough of her back pain to return to work. But the shoes are more expensive than the family can afford, since they are living only on Michael's $671 disability income...
Linda Burke
Telegraph Contributor
Bethel Community Storehouse
United Way of Central New Mexico
Click Title To Read Full Story
Groundbreaking iStep F.I.T. Technology Introduced to Retail Footwear Market
PR Newswire - news distribution, targeting and monitoringNew technology measures foot length, width, arch type and pressure points and helps retailers identify ideal footwear for their customers
TEANECK, N.J., Dec. 6 /PRNewswire/ -- Apex Foot Health Industries introduces the iStep F.I.T., a groundbreaking advance in digital foot scanning technology for the footwear and footcare industries. The iStep F.I.T. is a major addition to the original iStep Pressure Plate, a popular in-store computer system that determines arch type and pressure points during standing or walking.
The iStep F.I.T. expands on that concept by using patented Footwear Integration Technology to accurately measure and analyze the foot and then recommends the best shoes and inserts available in the store for that particular customer. By categorizing customers based on their foot length, width, arch type and pressure points, retailers can easily identify the
products that truly meet their customer's needs.
Larry Schwartz, president of Apex, says, "All shoes in the market place are made on different lasts with different materials. A particular shoe style that feels great on my feet may actually feel uncomfortable on yours, even if we're the same size. Optimum foot comfort occurs when you find products that are designed for your individual needs, and the iStep F.I.T. is the first
technology on the market to offer this unique capability."
iStep F.I.T. software online demo
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
A simple cure for chronic pain
An article on how Z-CoiL footwear relieved an individual's back pain was published in the December issue of First For Women Magazine (circulation 1,598,116).
Click the title to read the story (pdf).
PRESS RELEASE: Seattle Z-CoiL Dealer Celebration now an Online Music Video Thanks to muvee autoProducer
Your2Feet, the one stop foot shop, Digitally Documents 1st Anniversary On Microsoft’s MSN Spaces
Port Townsend, WA (PRWEB) December 8, 2004 -- Independent Z-CoiL retailer, Your2Feet, celebrated there first year as the Pacific Northwest’s premier pain relief foot shop Saturday December 4th. Photos and music written and performed by the Seay Family were digitally captured by consumer evangelist JOlmsted and quickly assembled into a Music Video with muvee autoProducer 3. The casual video editing software produced a professionally paced production in about thirty minutes.
The Your2Feet 1st Anniversary Celebration Music Video was uploaded to Sony’s free music video community, ACIDplanet. A link to the video was easily posted to JOlmsted’s MSN Spaces blog account.
ACIDplanet provides its community of over 200,000 individual digital musicians the most exciting place on the Web to create music, collaborate, listen, chat and publish their own music for the world to hear.
Music Video Link
1st Anniversary Photo Gallery
Click Title To Read More
Sunday, December 05, 2004
The Seattle Times: Pacific Northwest Magazine : Wrap it Up
The Seattle Times: Pacific Northwest Magazine : Wrap it Up: "Z-Coil shoes are certainly one way to put a spring in your step. And you can't miss them. The heel is a coil.
The product's goal is to relieve foot and back pain as well as arthritic and knee problems by cushioning the shock of each step and redistributing pressure. The coils can be adjusted to match your walking style or troubleshoot a squeak or click. "
Your2Feet 1st Anniversary Celebration Music Video
Your2Feet 1st Anniversary Celebration, created by JOlmsted and presented through
Yesterday, Your2Feet, Seattle, celerbrated their 1st Anniversary. Click the title to see the music video created with digital photos snapped at the event and music that was played by Bob Seay and his daughter.
Shoe leather artist Karalee shows off her Z-Clog creation.
Total Relief Footwear: New Dealer Z-Blog
Total Relief FootwearZ-CoiLs are excellent shoes for alleviating foot leg and back pain.
Click on the link below for a list of common ailments and how Z-CoiLs relate to them:
Happy Holidays,
Cam White
Total Relief Footwear
Thursday, December 02, 2004
Z-CoiL Shoes - Europe for Visitors
Z-CoiL Shoes - Europe for Visitors: "Is it possible to enjoy sightseeing without sore feet? Until recently, I would have said "no," at least for those of us who spend more time trudging over cobblestones than sitting in sidewalk cafés. But with Z-CoiL shoes, the rules have changed: These odd-looking but cleverly engineered shoes literally put a spring in your step--and in doing so, they become effective shock absorbers for your feet and ankles.
The front of the sole has 20 mm (3/4") of neoprene rubber cushioning to protect the forefoot, and the shoe's footbed incorporates a rigid plastic orthotic for arch support and stability. Such design features have helped Z-CoiL shoes to gain a cult following among nurses, chefs, and other people who work on their feet all day."
Field Test
Overall verdict:
Z-CoiL shoes are the best shoes I've ever worn for heavy-duty urban walking and sightseeing. They're even more comfortable than the Birkenstock shoes that have been my standard travel footwear for the last 15 years. If you do a lot of walking, try a pair the next time you're in a city with a Z-CoiL dealer.
Durant Imboden's
Europe for Visitors
Decorated Footwear and the Art of Pain Relief Playshops
Some Z-CoiL® authorized dealers and customers are enjoying decorating Z-CoiL footwear. If you are interested in being creative with your Z-CoiL footwear, call your local dealer to find out if and when an "Art of Pain Relief" playshop is scheduled in your area.
InfoWorld TechWatch: Word of The Year: Blog
InfoWorld TechWatch: Word of The Year: Blog: "The Seattle Post-Intelligencer and other papers this morning ran a story stating that blog was the most common word visitors to Merriam Webster's online site sought a definition for throughout 2004.
The mild irony, perhaps, is that blog is not yet in the dictionary; then again, its newness must be precisely why so many people looked it up.
Merriam-Webster's editors, the story said, already had plans to include it in next year's hardbound edition, and due to the overwhelming number of lookups, have already added it online.
The fact that blog is not yet in the hardbound edition, and was only recently added to the online version, reminds me of an English teacher I had in high school who used to say that any dictionary worth its weight is obsolete by printing time, because the language evolves at such a rapid pace that dictionary compilers cannot keep up via annual editions. "
Monday, November 29, 2004
Interview with Segway Shoes Owner: Terry Perdue
> Where did you buy your Segway? Amazon, Nov. 18, 2002
> What model do you have? i-series, p-series
> Why did you buy it? Thought it looked like a fun way to commute
> How often do you use it? Every day
> What do you think of the job Segway the company is> doing? Fine, except for lack of advertising
> Segway has had 4 CEO in four years. Your thoughts? Don't know the details of why any left
> Have you modified your Segway? Only slightly - tail light and waterbottle holder
> Do you ride it at night? Yes, and before sunrise in the morning, commuting
> Have you been to see the new Seattle Segway dealer? Yes, several times
> What do you think of Segway's marketing? What marketing - did I miss something?
> What Segway accessories do you have?
- ARC headlight
- 12.0 & 25.0 bags
- ET tires
- hub lock
> When did you get your Z-CoiLs? 3 or 4 months ago
> Where did you get them? Your 2 Feet, Seattle
> Why did you get them? A friend said he liked his, and I was having heal pain
> Do you wear them when you are not on your Segway? Yes
> Did you have them adjusted? No
Thursday, November 25, 2004
People With Diabetes at Risk for Depression
People With Diabetes at Risk for DepressionNov. 24, 2004 -- Depression and anxiety are twice as likely to plague people with diabetes, the CDC reports. Many live in poverty, with poor health, and get little health care -- even though counseling and medications could improve their mental outlook.
Their 2003 study is based on a community health telephone survey involving nearly 10,000 adults living in New York City. Interviews were conducted in 23 languages.
Of the 9,590 adults surveyed, 9% had diabetes. Of those with diabetes, 10% also had serious emotional distress, including depression. The survey showed that people with diabetes were almost twice as likely as those without diabetes to have serious psychological distress.
By Jeanie Lerche Davis
WebMD Medical News
Monday, November 22, 2004
City of Seattle: Fleets and Facilities Segway Project Update June 2004
Fleets and Facilities Segway Project Update June 2004: "In August 2002, the City of Seattle began evaluating the Segway Human Transporter (HT) as a method of personal transportation to reduce the use of vehicles and fuel consumption.
In fall 2002, Seattle Public Utilities tested the Segway HT in its meter reading group; a report issued in May 2003 indicated using the Segway HT on meter reading routes increased efficiency, thereby lowering labor costs."
Seattle owns 15 Segways:
- 12 (e) models (configured to carry cargo & able to balance on its own with a feature called "e stand"); and
- 3 (i) models
- Each unit cost approximately $5,000
Departments are considering using Segway HTs for several reasons, including to:
Increase productivity
In terms of efficiency and productivity, a person can move two to three times faster on a Segway than walking. In addition, one of the models the City is testing can carry up to 75 pounds of equipment in attached cargo bags. In some City applications, this ability to carry more equipment than a person walking would enable the operator to perform work that might otherwise require a return trip with a vehicle to haul tools.
Address ergonomic issues
The City is looking at ways the Segway HT can help address the future of our aging work force. Some jobs require a large amount of walking and employees who have difficulty walking because of knee or hip problems, for example, may be able to utilize the Segway HT. This will allow the City to retain experienced workers longer, saving the cost of employee overturn. While the Segway HT is not licensed by the FDA as a medical device, some people are utilizing the Segway HT as a transportation aid in certain situations (in some cases of muscular dystrophy or Parkinson's disease).
Click Title for More
NOTE: Segway was featured on 60 minutes last night and the Today Show this morning.
Sunday, November 21, 2004 New Businesses: Store offers comfort shoes New Businesses: Store offers comfort shoes: "ASHEVILLE - Coil Zone, a store selling Z-Coil shoes, has opened at 1070 Tunnel Road. Z-Coils are designed to reduce leg, foot or back pain and include several special features, including the signature coil in the heel. The store owner is Monica Tolin, and the manager is Dianna Conway. For information, call 298-5657 or visit The store is open from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Friday. "
Friday, November 19, 2004
Reviews - Discover Magazine - Gear - Z-CoiL Shoes
Reviews - Discover Magazine - science news articles online technology magazine articles ReviewsIf you fancy a car with state-of-the art coil springs, you’ll have to shell out $200,000 for a Ferrari Challenge Stradale.
But for less then $200, you can own another sort of coil spring suspension—on your shoes. A pair of Z-CoiLs may look a little goofy, but the steel springs beneath the heels act as shock absorbers that can, say the manufacturers, reduce the pain of ailments from arthritis to heel spurs.
Thursday, November 18, 2004
Segway Chat Forum: Segway meets Z-Coil Shoes
- Segway meets Z-Coil Shoes This morning on the front page of the business section in the Sarasota Herald Tribune is an article entitled "Spring Comes To Town". The first four paragraphs are as follows:
'If you happen to see Tom and Janey Jacobson scooting around downtown Sarasota, you'll notice two unusual things about them.
The first is that they're traveling on Segway Human Transporters- those 21st century, gyroscopic people movers that allow pedistrians to breeze along sweltering sidewalks without breaking a sweat.
The second is that they're probably wearing space-age, high-heeled sneakers or clogs made by an Alburquerque, N.M. based company called Z-Coil.
"We're often on our feet six hours a day," said Janey Jacobson, co-owner of Florida Ever-Glides Inc., which offers Segway tours of the city. "We were looking for something to make our feet more comfortable."'
The rest of the article went on to talk about the benefits of the Z-Coil shoes. We thought it was great that they tied the furtistic shoes together with futuristic transportation. Showing how they can work together for a more efficient, safe, and comfortable way to get around is the kind of cooperation that LLC should be looking for to bring a wider legitimacy to this 'new' idea of a more efficient pedistrian...
Segway LLC (Z-CoiL dealers) are you seeing this great marketing opportunity? Go for it...
Tom Jacobson
Diane Sawyer does acrobatic stunts on Segway-HT after only minutes of practice.
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
Intel TV Ad: Springy Shoes
See what it's like to fly. Get a wireless laptop with technology designed for mobile performance. Make sure it has Intel Centrino mobile technology built in.
Windows Media Player
56k Windows Media Player
Real Player
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
The Neuropathy Association
The Neuropathy Association is a public, nonprofit organization which was established by people with neuropathy and their families or friends to help those who suffer from disorders that affect the peripheral nerves.
The Mission of The Association is to:
- Support research into the causes and treatment of peripheral neuropathies.
- Provide support through education and sharing information and experiences related to peripheral neuropathy.
- Increase public awareness of the nature and extent of peripheral neuropathy and the need for early intervention and research.
- Encourage pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies to develop new therapies and devices for treatment of neuropathy.
- Encourage government support for research into the causes and treatments of neuropathy, and the need for special accommodations and facilities for people with neuropathy.
- Encourage medical providers, including hospitals, HMOs and insurance companies, to provide coverage, proper care and treatment.
- Participate in national and international awareness, research and information exchange.
Listen to the Neuropathy Blues
Windows Media Player
MP3 (Broadband)
MP3 (Modem)
Monday, November 15, 2004
November is Diabetes Month – Z-CoiL Pain Relief Footwear Can Help!
Press Release Modified:
Yahoo! Groups Message Board"We have had a number of people who have had burning and numbness in their feet, symptoms associated with a diabetes condition called neuropathy," said Caesar Snee, owner of EZ Shoes, an authorized Z-CoiL distributor in San Jose, CA. "By taking the pressure off of the forefront of the foot and the heels, the symptoms are reduced significantly and the customer is able to enjoy a more normal life."
Mr. Snee also stated that the Z-CoiL is very adjustable. "We are
able to modify the built-in orthotic to ensure that the diabetic has
ample room in the footwear to eliminate any potential issues with
rubbing and creating open sores on the feet," said Mr. Snee. "Also,
the coil is adjustable so that we can put a softer side on the back
of the footwear to eliminate even more of the shock that their feet
would normally endure."
This revolutionary footwear is becoming invaluable to people in
careers that require long hours spent on their feet, and also to
people who suffer from such painful conditions as plantar fasciitis,
heel spurs, arthritis, back problems, or bone-on-bone knee issues. Z-CoiL footwear is gaining a tremendous and loyal following nationwide as word of its pain relief benefits for a variety of health related issues is spreading, with more than 200 authorized dealers
EZ Shoes is located at 2077 Camden Avenue in San Jose in the Camden Park Shopping center at the corner of Camden and Union. Product photos and customer testimonials can be located at
Contact Information:
Caesar Snee, Authorized Dealer
EZ Shoes
(408) 558-9596
Puyallup Fair: Audio Interview: I was 300lbs and it hurt to walk
Audio Interview Since wearing Z-CoiLs, I lost 85lbs, started walking and stopped talking my diabetes meds...
November is Diabetes Month: Can Z-CoiL® Footwear Reduce Diabetics’ Impact?
Press Release Port Townsend, WA (PRWEB) November 16, 2004 -– Although Z-CoiL pain relief footwear are not promoted or approved by the FDA as appropriate shoes for diabetics, Z-CoiL dealers nationwide are finding that the cushioned padded forefoot bed and springy heeled shoe provide some relief for diabetic feet.
According to a Barbados report published in the medical journal Diabetes Care this month, people with diabetes, wearing inadequate footwear triples the risk of lower-leg amputation. Prompted by anecdotal reports of high rates of diabetes-related amputation rates in the Caribbean, Dr. Anselm J. M. Hennis from University of the West Indies in Bridgetown, Barbados, and colleagues investigated the situation there.
A Z-CoiL Dealer Comment:
Diabetics wear Z-Coils because some say the springy footwear dramatically reduces the swelling and stops the impact to their feet. Much of the swelling appears to depart when Z-CoiLs are worn. But, complications do not completely disappear because water retention and the constant pounding with each step they take contribute to the swelling. The built-in orthotic also protects the diabetic foot from injuries that could cause other problems.
Many Diabetics prefer the clogs because there are no seams that rub against their skin.
A Z-CoiL Dealer Story:
On Tuesday, an elderly gentlemen and his wife came into the store, complaining about burning and numbness in their feet. These are symptoms associated with a diabetes condition called neuropathy.
I later found out that he was a diabetic. She wasn’t.
They were interested in comfortable yet supportive footwear that took the pressure off their forefoot and metatarsal areas.
I put both of them in Z-CoiL Taos clogs. After walking around the store, they both felt pressure in their forefoot.
Z-CoiLs footwear has 31 adjustments
I switched his medium coils for larger ones and her small coils for medium. Then I rotated the position of the coil so the soft side of the coil was in the back of the shoe and the hard portion of the coil was in the front. This adjustment transfers the persons' weight to their heel and puts less pressure on their forefoot.
They were totally amazed that my quick adjustment relieved their pressure. They walked out of the store wearing matching clogs.
On Friday, I called the couple to see how they were doing. They both reported a significant reduction in the burning and throbbing sensation in their feet. Z-CoiLs had become their primary footwear.
NOTE: Click the title to read entire press release.
Healthology - Type 2 Diabetes: Is It More Than Just Blood Sugar? (Video, Transcript)
Healthology - Type 2 Diabetes: Is It More Than Just Blood Sugar?: "Type 2 diabetes doesn't strike out of the blue. Instead, a person's body undergoes a series of changes. Listen as experts explain the clues that often foreshadow the onset of diabetes.
ANNOUNCER: An estimated 17 million Americans have Type 2 Diabetes. Most don't know it. Millions more are heading toward the disease.
ASTRID ALMODOVAR, MD: Type 2 diabetes is not a sudden illness. It is a process. It is the end product of a continuum of metabolic abnormalities. If you compare type 2 diabetes with a runaway train, you start, especially if you're a minority, you start with a ticket; you already have a ticket and a boarding pass. The moment you start getting sedentary and gaining weight, you start getting on the train and moving along the continuum of diabetes. We start with the metabolic syndrome, then we go prediabetes, and then we have full-blown diabetes."
Sunday, November 14, 2004
Reuters | Poor Footwear Ups Diabetes-Related Amputation Risk
Reuters NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Among people with diabetes (Fact Sheet), wearing inadequate footwear triples the risk of lower-leg amputation, according to a report from Barbados.
Prompted by anecdotal reports of high rates of diabetes-related amputation rates in the Caribbean, Dr. Anselm J. M. Hennis from University of the West Indies in Bridgetown, Barbados, and colleagues investigated the situation there.
The overall rate of lower-extremity amputation among people with diabetes was 936 per 10,000 patients, the authors report in the medical journal Diabetes Care. That rate is three times higher than for similar Caribbean migrants to the UK.
The risk of undergoing a lower-leg amputation risk was nearly tripled by going barefoot (in men), doubled by wearing sneakers regularly to work (in women), increased fourfold by wearing sneakers to town, and doubled by wearing rubber thong sandals, the investigators report.
Wearing fashion shoes was also linked to a fourfold increased risk of amputation.
Click Title to read full article.
SOURCE: Diabetes Care, November 2004.
News - - Diabetes breakthrough is helping local patients
News - : "Diabetes can be nerve-wracking in a serious and deadly sense. And two local health care workers have teamed to try to reverse that effect.
R.N. Linda Hicks knows about the disease's mysterious attack on people's nervous systems that can lead to amputations. A longtime diabetes education coordinator, she has worked with people daily in trying to help them learn about the disease and cope with the pain of nerve damage.
'As a nurse ... we've always been trained that neuropathy is unreversible,' Hicks said.
She believed it. Then a little more than a year ago, the mother of one of her patients began pestering her about a treatment uncommon in this region, but being used back east. Technically, it's called monochromatic infrared energy or MIRE therapy.
Hicks simply calls it a miracle.
Once the disease worsens, neuropathy can cause serious damage to a diabetic's feet and legs.
"They just disappear because they can't stand walking because it hurts so much," she said.Often, as patients succumb to infections and loss of feeling and circulation, they lose their feet and legs to amputation. The nerve-ravaging condition is perplexing to physicians. Researchers don't know what causes nerves to stop functioning in people with diabetes. It's likely linked to the high level of glucose that crowds in and thickens a person's blood. But the science is another issue. Hernandez's patients talk more about results."
Ultimately, some of Hernandez' patients buy home units from the company, Anodyne Therapy, that makes the professional unit for therapists. Those people are able to continue the light treatments on their own.
By Elise Hamner
Southwestern Oregon Publishing Company
City Editor
Sofia Aims High on World Diabetes Day
Sofia Aims High on World Diabetes Day: "Hundreds of people gathered in Sofia central Southern Park to join a half-hour walk, which aimed to set a new Guinness world record on the World Diabetes Day, November 14.
More than 472 000 in Bulgaria and 100 million people around the world suffer from diabetes today with experts warning of an upward trend in the next twenty years due to a number of factors that trigger the disease.
This year the World Diabetes Day focused on the link between obesity and diabetes. Many young people erroneously think that diabetes is only contracted by the elderly, doctors say in a bid to raise their alertness level against diabetes, underscoring the necessity of regular checkups and exercise."
Xinhuanet - English :: China owes growing number of diabetics to obesity
Xinhuanet: "BEIJING, Nov. 14 (Xinhuanet) -- On World Diabetes Day, a group of people assembled in a Beijing park, trying to stay warm in the chilly, windy November dusk. They were gearing up for a 'walk campaign,' launched simultaneously around the globe Sunday in an effort to fight the deadly disease.
Diabetics from 45 Beijing communities attended the walk -- morethan organizers had expected.
China now has more than 50 million diabetics and their number is rising by an average of 1.5 million to two million a year, making the country with the largest number of diabetes patients inthe world, according to a forum on prevention and treatment of diabetes held last Sunday in Chongqing municipality, southwest China.
'The soaring economy has raised people's quality of life in China since the early 1990s, with more high-calorie food on people's dining tables,' said Wang He, deputy head of the Guangdong Second Provincial Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital and a diabetes specialist, 'which has triggered a rapid growth of diabetes cases.' "
Journal Gazette | Exercise can reduce diabetes risk
Exercise can reduce diabetes risk: "Regular exercise is important for everyone. If you’re a diabetic, however, or at risk of developing diabetes, exercise isn’t just a good idea, it’s an absolute necessity.
Whether you’re a Type I diabetic (your body does not properly produce insulin) or a Type II (your body produces but is resistant to absorbing insulin), exercise can greatly improve your healthy self-management and also can reduce your risks of developing common diabetes complications.
If you’re not diabetic, don’t turn the page just yet. It’s important for you to know that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that about 5 million cases of diabetes are undiagnosed.
Subsequently, many suffers don’t even realize they have the disease until a complication presents itself. Scarier still are the 20 million to 30 million Americans who are estimated to have impaired glucose tolerance or “early diabetes.”
By Eugenie Jones
Scripps Howard News Service
'Healthy' cell phones are the latest trend
MENAFN: "SEOUL, Nov. 14 (UPI) -- The latest trends in cell phones in South Korea are so-called 'healthy phones' that do such tasks as test blood glucose or measure body fat levels.
Cell phones embedded with health-care functions are the trendiest thing recently in the convergence trend, which breaks down conventional barriers between distinctive industries, reported the Korea Times Sunday.
Phone maker LG has released a diabetes phone, the LG-KP8400, through an alliance with Healthpia, a health-related venture start-up company. The microchip in the phone can measure the human body's glucose level, a sugar that comes from food.
The phone can also accumulate the data and communicate it to a physician, thus enabling patients to get a medical consultation without having to visit a medical facility.
'We will further cater to the escalating demands for health-care models by presenting a stress phone which lets people check their heart rate or a diet phone which can measure body fat, next year,' a LG spokesman said."
Saturday, November 13, 2004
Z-CoiL Dealer: Solstice Ergonomic Footwear :: What is Solstice?
Solstice Ergonomic Footwear :: What is Solstice? The decision to name our store “Solstice” was evident the moment we bought our first pair of Z-CoiLs. We noticed that the Solstice symbol is on every box of Z-CoiLs and imprinted on every single pair of shoes. The ”O” in Z-CoiL is in fact a “Solstice Symbol”.
The “coil” symbol or 'swirl' as some like to call it is repeated in graphic arts almost everywhere you go. From paper bags to clothing, the Solstice symbol is appealing to the human eye and used quite often. You need not look far, it's there! Whether it spirals from right to left, or left to right, mankind has been using this symbol since the Stone Age. Centuries ago, Native Americans were weaving this symbol into the bottom of their baskets and painting it on pottery, while the Chinese were adopting the opposing summer and winter Solstice as their yin-yang symbol.
Even on cave walls deep inside the earthen mounds built in Ireland that date back to the Stone Age, humans have been plotting the Sun's movement across the sky for centuries. Stonehenge is actually an observatory that was built and re-developed by differing peoples over an expanse of time to suit the needs of the Druids and their predecessors. What kinds of rituals and events were taking place? Perhaps a calendar of sorts was being developed to mark the change of the seasons so that farmers could plan when to cultivate and plant their crops. Or livestock herders could use the calendar to move their stock to higher ground in the summer and lower altitudes in the spring for the new births. Remember, it could take a month or so to reach new pastures. So, civilizations planned for food and shelter by the Solstice and it was the way of life and preparation for the future. And here at Solstice Ergonomic Footwear, we believe that all good things come from the “coil”. And all you have to do is come in and try on a pair of Z-CoiL's and see for yourself!
National Diabetes Month - National Diabetes Month: "More than 18 million Americans are estimated to have diabetes. Diabetes is the leading cause of new blindness, end-stage kidney disease, and nontraumatic amputations. It can also double a person's risk of heart attack and stroke and can cause nervous system damage and premature death. National Diabetes Month, is meant to seek to raise awareness of the impact of diabetes, and recognize those committed to improving the treatment and prevention of this chronic disease.
Approximately one million Americans have been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, once known as juvenile diabetes. It develops from autoimmune, genetic, and environmental influences, most often striking children, adolescents, and young adults. By developing the disease so young, people with type 1 diabetes have a greater risk for serious complications. Type 2 diabetes affects approximately 17 million Americans, and is most common in people over 40 who are overweight, inactive, or have a family history of this disease. While people of all backgrounds are affected, type 2 diabetes disproportionately strikes African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, and Native Americans. The number of Americans with type 2 diabetes has grown dramatically, and many more Americans are at high risk for developing it.
This year, the National Institutes of Health dedicated $993 million for diabetes research, and its estimated to be $1 billion for 2005, a 49 percent increase since 2001.
According to clinical research, people at risk for type 2 diabetes can reduce their risk by approximately 58 percent if they lose a modest amount of weight and stay physically active. Those who already live with diabetes can greatly reduce their risk for heart disease and stroke by controlling their blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol. "
Press Release: Checking Out World Diabetes Day 2004
Checking Out World Diabetes Day 2004LONDON, November 12 /PRNewswire/ -- This Sunday 14th November is World Diabetes Day which this year focuses on the link between obesity and diabetes, a subject that is close to heart for many of us, especially with the nation becoming larger than ever.
But what can we in the UK do if we're concerned about diabetes and want to get checked out sooner rather than later?
Lloydspharmacy, the leading community pharmacy chain is working with Diabetes UK to help promote diabetes awareness across the country and is offering free diabetes testing in the majority of its pharmacies. Since the diabetes service was launched over half a million people have been tested at Lloydspharmacy, with 25,000 of those being referred to their GP for further testing.
The services provided in pharmacy allow anyone over the age of 16 to check their blood sugar level and blood pressure, at their convenience - with no appointment necessary.
Nick Mortimer, Deputy Superintendent Pharmacist at Lloydspharmacy says: "Lloydspharmacy is committed to providing services to the local community that help to improve the health and well-being of our customers. Pharmacists can play a key role in the detection and on-going management of diabetes. If anyone is concerned that they have diabetes or recognise the symptoms they can visit one of our participating Lloydspharmacys we have nationwide for a free test."
Some useful facts and figures follow:
1. According to IDF, there are 194 million people with diabetes worldwide. This figure is projected to rise to 330 million by 2025, largely due to population growth, ageing, urbanisation and a sedentary lifestyle.
2. At least 50% of all people with diabetes are unaware of their condition. In some countries this figure may rise to 80%. In the UK there are an estimated 1 million who are unaware of their condition.
3. Diabetes is the fourth main cause of death in most developed countries. Recent figures from the World Health Organisation indicate that 3.2 million deaths worldwide are attributable to diabetes every year, that's 6 deaths every minute.
4. By 2025, the number of people with diabetes is expected to more than double in Africa, the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East, and South-East Asia.
5. People with diabetes are three times more likely to require hospitalisation than those without the condition.
6. Currently, 5 to 10% of the world's healthcare budget is spent on diabetes. This figure could reach 40% by 2025 in some countries if current predictions of diabetes prevalence are fulfilled.
7. Diabetes is the leading cause of death due to heart attack and stroke, and the leading cause of blindness and kidney failure in developed countries.
8. People with diabetes are 15 to 40 times more likely to require a lower-limb amputation compared with the general population.
1. Diabetes Atlas 2nd Edition, International Diabetes Federation 2004
Note to Editors:
Lloydspharmacy is the largest community chain in the UK, with 1368 pharmacies located nationwide. Lloydspharmacy is part of the Admenta UK plc group, which is owned by Celesio AG.
For more information visit
Friday, November 12, 2004
The Seattle Times: Good-for-you footwear may help posture, but not your social standing
The Seattle Times: Good-for-you footwear may help posture, but not your social standing: "Something's afoot in the shoe industry. Perhaps a backlash against the backbreaking Manolo Blahnik trend, an increasing array of "healthful" footwear has been marching into the market. The emphasis is all about realigning the spine to reduce back pain and joint stress — noble endeavors, to be sure. As a person who suffers from a temperamental lumbar zone, I appreciate the efforts. But as a person who also harbors an interest in stylish shoes, it made me question: Is it possible to have shoes that are both good for you and cute?
Next I explored Z-CoiL 'pain relief footwear.' These shoes emphasize shock absorption via a fat spring under each heel - a totally exposed slinky of a thing that gives the sensation of walking on a pogo stick. But lest you get too carried away with bouncing around, the brochure warns that Z-CoiLs should be worn only in areas 'free of cables, cords, protruding objects, and objects that could catch in the spring.' Apparently I was approaching a brave new world of shoe-based humiliation.
If you find the giant coils dangerous or unsightly (conceivably both), you can have them 'enclosed' in what appears to be a makeshift leather box, resulting in a style most commonly favored by marionettes. (And bringing new meaning to the word 'clodhopper.') How did they feel? Definitely sproingy, though the reverb of the springs caused an unpleasant tingling in my fillings. Again, I was assured I would get used to it. "
By Brangien Davis
Special to The Seattle Times - Bryant has plantar fasciitis in left foot - Bryant has plantar fasciitis in left foot: "After the Lakers' 110-87 loss to the Grizzlies on Wednesday night it was revealed Kobe Bryant has been bothered by plantar fasciitis in his left foot, according to the Los Angeles Times.
The newspaper said Bryant received 45 minutes of treatment after the game for the condition in which connective tissue in the arch of the foot becomes inflamed and painful.
The condition can become chronic. The Lakers, however, feel they caught it early enough for Bryant to play Friday against the Magic.
Bryant had his worst game of the season as far as shooting is concerned - just 20 points on 4-for-19 shooting. For the season, he is shooting just 37.7 percent, which is well below his career average of 45.4 percent.
Bryant said that his foot has only been bothering him for a few days, and he is confident about his body's ability to heal quickly.
'It's one of those things you have to jump on early so it doesn't linger,' Bryant said. 'My body heals fast.'"
CushionZ: "The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has awarded MedEfficiency additional Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) Grant Funding to develop a shoe and insert system designed specifically for diabetic patients. This system is formulated to offer a simplified, more effective option for preventive footwear, making time and economic sense for patients and practitioners alike. By simplifying the process of providing these shoes and inserts we expect an increase in availability to patients directly through medical providers and a corresponding improvement in their outcomes. MedEfficiency's shoe and insert system is in development and expected to be available for sale in 2005."
Update: According to a MedEfficiency spokesperson, the CushionZ shoe is still in the development phase of the project. In 2005, the company plans to apply for NIH Level 2 funding. A typical funding cycle is approximately 8 months. So, based on this new information, the CushionZ will not be available for sale next year.
Albuquerque Tribune Online: Born of pain, Z-Tech Shoes makes giant strides
Albuquerque Tribune Online: Business: "Al Gallegos and son Andres have a deal for you. In one of the most unusual public offerings ever held in New Mexico, their company, Z-Tech Inc., will give you a pair of their high-tech shoes if you invest $250.
Described in their promotional packet as 'Z-Coil Shoes for Pain Relief,' the shoes and boots feature, in addition to the coil, a built-in orthotic (stabilizing plate) and an inch of cushioning. Originally intended for runners, the company has shifted its focus in response to customer demand.
Sitting in his North Valley store, Gallegos twists a couple of Nike and Reebok shoes. 'If I were to run in that, I'd get hurt,' he says.
The big sport-shoe manufacturers don't make a supportive shoe, he says. From the heel to the forefoot, your foot isn't flexible, Gallegos explains, and that portion of your shoe shouldn't flex either. If it does, you can injure the tendons of the foot and, with enough shock to the foot, even fracture the bones.
Gallegos is excited about two potential new markets. The Army Rangers are testing the work boot at Fort Bliss in El Paso and Fort Benning in Georgia. And doctors with MedEfficiency Inc. in Denver are working with Z-Tech to develop a shoe that prevents diabetic patients from developing wounds."
By Sherry Robinson
Tribune reporter
May 8, 2000
Abstract: Factors in Diabetic Footwear Compliance
Factors in Diabetic Footwear Compliance -- Macfarlane and Jensen 93 (6): 485 -- Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association Diabetic foot complications are costly and often recurrent. The use of diabetic footwear has been shown to be effective in reducing the incidence of diabetic foot ulcerations. For diabetic footwear to be most effective, it must be worn at least 60% of the time. All reported rates of compliance fall well short of this level. The style and appearance of the shoe have been commonly blamed for this poor compliance. This study evaluates patients’ motivations and perceptions regarding diabetic footwear. A patient’s decision to use diabetic footwear is based on the perceived value of the shoe and not on the patient’s previous history of foot complications or the aesthetics of diabetic footwear. (J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 93(6): 485-491, 2003 Nov-Dec)
-- Macfarlane and Jensen 93 (6): 485 -- Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association
Daniel J. Macfarlane, DPM *
Jeffrey L. Jensen, DPM **
* Private practice, Englewood, CO.
** Private practice, Denver, CO., Director of Z-Tech since November 2000.
Jeffrey L. Jensen, DPM - CTODr. Jensen, with 13 years of business and clinical experience has the insight on patient, physician, and payer needs. Challenging the current limitations of today's standard of care in treating and preventing chronic wounds has lead to the creation of MedEfficiency's product line.
Founder of the Diabetic Foot and Wound Center in 1994, he developed protocols forming the basis for selling and implementing case rate services for wounds under managed care. He is adjunct faculty with the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center and the Scholl College of Podiatric Medicine.
Thursday, November 11, 2004
D4D: "The perfect shoe for diabetics, bar none"
D4D Favorites: "Arizona Foot Health Center, Dr. Michael F. Esber, D.P.M. is a Diabetics 4 Diabetics Patient Support Provider and one we are happy to have in our group of Providers. Dr. Esber is a Board Certified Podiatric Physician with three locations to better serve you:
Sun City West, 14300 Granite Valley Dr, Suite 5-B
Arrowhead, 18700 North 64th Drive, Suite 201
Thunderbird, 5620 West Thunderbird, Suite F-1
If you are a diabetic or a patient of D4D, this is who we are referring all our patients to. Number one, Dr. Esber knows diabetic needs and takes care of diabetics, which is why we use him.
He takes most insurance and is an authorized dealer for Z-Coil, the perfect shoe for diabetics, bar none.
To find out more about the shoes go to his website at:
November 14th is World Diabetes Day: Focus on Diabetes & Obesity
LAS VEGAS, Nov. 11 /PRNewswire/ -- The North American Association for the Study of Obesity (NAASO) and the American Diabetes Association (ADA) applaud the International Diabetes Federation and the World Health Organization as they draw attention to the connection between diabetes and obesity through this year's World Diabetes Day theme, "Fight Obesity, Prevent Diabetes." This year's observation of World Diabetes Day and its focus on the twin epidemics of diabetes and obesity also happens to coincide with the start of NAASO's 2004 Annual Scientific Meeting in Las Vegas, November 14-18, which will bring together leading experts and investigators in the world.
"NAASO and ADA recognize obesity as a significant threat to public health and are cooperating to provide further opportunities for sharing obesity and diabetes-related information, increase obesity and diabetes awareness and facilitate more research and better clinical care in our joint effort to fight these conditions," said Barbara Corkey, PhD, NAASO President. "This is a unique example of how two separate medical societies are working together to address this important health issue."
More than 65 percent of Americans are overweight or obese and Americans are growing heavier each year. Obesity is the leading modifiable risk factor for type 2 diabetes, so it is no surprise that the rate of type 2 diabetes is increasing as well. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the incidence of diabetes has jumped nearly 50 percent in the past 10 years. Currently, 18.2 million Americans have diabetes. However, a study released earlier this year by the CDC estimates that, if current trends continue, the United States may see as many as 30 million Americans with diabetes by as early as 2030. "As Americans have become heavier, we've seen an overwhelming increase in the rate of type 2 diabetes -- and the age of onset is getting younger all the time," said Alan Cherrington, PhD, President of the American Diabetes Association. "Diabetes and obesity are intimately linked, and it makes perfect sense for the ADA and NAASO to work together to bring leading scientists and clinicians from around the world to share research and insights associated with both conditions.
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Up & Coming Magazine: Facts Can Help You Live With Diabetes
Up & Coming Magazine: "Do you know someone who is diabetic? If you are a Cumberland County resident, chances are that either you or someone you know is diabetic. According to the State Center for Health Statistics, one in every 24 Cumberland County residents is diabetic, not including those residents who are diabetic but have not yet been diagnosed.
Ignorance is costing us bundles. The NC State Center for Health Statistics tells us that in the year 2000 alone, annual hospitalization charges for diabetes in Cumberland County totaled over $75 million. In addition, 54 percent of our diabetic residents lack the education necessary for preventing complications, which directly inflates costly hospitalizations. This staggering information overwhelmingly proves that action is needed to stop these alarming trends happening right in our own backyards.
What is diabetes? Diabetes is an autoimmune disease that affects the pancreas and its ability to produce insulin, which results in elevated blood glucose or 'blood sugar' levels. If these elevated blood glucose levels are not addressed, serious complications, even death, can occur.
Typically, people are diagnosed as either Type 1 (formerly called juvenile diabetes) which requires life-sustaining insulin injections or Type 2 (formerly called adult-onset diabetes or non-insulin-dependent diabetes). Some people develop pre-diabetes or insulin-resistance, where fat, muscle, and liver cells do not use insulin effectively. "
Up & Coming Weekly
"Knock Your Socks Off"
Feature Article: "Go Ahead, Knock Your Socks Off"
- Diabetes Foot Facts
- Frequently Asked Questions; Diabetes and the Feet
- Keep Your Feet Fit For Life Checklist
- True/False Quiz on Diabetes and the Feet
- "Knock Your Socks Off" News Release
APMA Diabetes Awareness Campaign - 2004
From left: Gilbert Benavides, representing his daughter Alysse, Tim Newell, Maria, Al's assistant, Al Gallegos, inventor and founder of Z-CoiL Footwear, and Jason Wallace.
First Annual Los Ranchos Walk/Run
1st Place Winner:
Tim Newell who won 500 dollars and a gift certificate for
1 free pair of Z-CoiL footwear
2nd Place Winner:
Jason Wallace who won 250 dollars and a gift certificate
3rd Place Winner:
Alysse Benavides who won a gift certificate
The List of Participates’ Times (pdf)
Slashdot | Trials for Type 1 Diabetes Cure
Slashdot | Trials for Type 1 Diabetes Cure: "An anonymous reader writes 'According to this New York Times article, the pharmaceutical companies and NIH are shunning research for a cure for Type 1 diabetes. There's no money in a cure using medicine with an expired patent. Dr Faustman (researcher/professor at Harvard Medical School) has cured type 1 diabetes in mice and has been approved for Phase 1 clinical trials in humans. The only problem is raising the money, which Lee Iacocca is helping with.' "
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Segway shoes
- Segway shoes: "The Zcoil CloudWalker is the shoe that I have been using for the past 7 months. I love them because when you are NOT using the Segway, they make hard surfaces feel like they are covered with gym mats or heavy carpet pad.
Using them has been fine on the Segway. They look so unique from the rear of the HT! Because you don't walk when using the HT, the large spring heel does not get compressed as much. The result is less cushioning then expected (although I have not tried any other shoe - I will test with a different shoe!)
UPDATE: Regular shoes seemed to jump off the platform during sidewalk drops tonight. The Z-coil shoes have a better grip. Note: They are NOT a high heel. The front of the shoe is one inch of cushion material. The entire shoe raises you one inch.
I did wear them at training, however the spring is not easy to see in the video. Check out how they look from the front.
UPDATE: A new photo was taken today of the rear of the shoe (while on the Segway platform.) Scroll down to the EIGHTH photo"
Senior Member
posted - Mar 08 2003 Spring comes to town Southwest Florida's Information Leader: "SARASOTA -- If you happen to see Tom and Janey Jacobson scooting around downtown Sarasota, you'll notice two unusual things about them.
The first is that they're traveling on Segway human transporters -- those 21st century, gyroscopic people movers that allow pedestrians to breeze along sweltering sidewalks without breaking a sweat.
The second is that they're probably wearing space-age, high-heeled sneakers or clogs made by an Albuquerque, N.M.-based company called Z-Coil.
'We're often on our feet six hours a day,' said Janey Jacobson, co-owner of Florida Ever-Glides, which offers Segway tours of the city. 'We were looking for something to make our feet more comfortable.'
The shoes, which come in seven styles from sandals to hiking boots, have two-inch-high coil springs attached to the heels and thick padding in the toes to cushion the impact from walking or running.
They were designed by New Mexico businessman Al Gallegos, an avid runner who suffered from back pain, knee problems, heel spurs and bruises to the plantar ligaments in his feet."
David Coyle (photo) discovered Z-Coil while visiting Phoenix two years ago. He bought a pair for his brother, who was born with club feet and now suffers from arthritis.
"The shoes changed his life," Coyle said. "They made his wife happy and made me realize that this was a potentially life-altering product."
Coyle said the shoes are designed for anyone that suffers from back, leg or foot pain. But his target market is women 55 and older. "They suffer from four times the foot pain that men do," Coyle said.
We know: All About Z-Coils
We know: All About Z-Coils: "How does a Z-Coil shoe work?
The z-coil shoe has four components that help to reduce impact on the body while walking or running:
It is fitted with an orthotic support system that cradles an individual's foot and provides more equalized pressure on the foot.
It has extra built-in forefoot cushioning to help ease forefoot pain.
The base of the shoe has a large spring that absorbs impact on the back and knees.
The front of the shoe has a flex line that aids the foot in bending at the ball of the foot. "
Heart disease / Make the Link! News - American Diabetes Association
Heart disease / Make the Link! News - American Diabetes Association: "November 2004 - November is Diabetes Month!
Take a look at two new public service announcements (PSAs), 'Choose to Live' and 'Break Your Heart' that have been developed to increase awareness of the link between diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. These PSAs launched nationwide in November 2004."
More PSAs and information on diabetes are available by clicking on the title.
Multimedia Education
Diabetes In Control Dot Com New Products
Diabetes In Control Dot Com New Products.: "Z-Coil Shoes often referred to as 'the funny-looking shoes with the spring in the heel,' are dramatically changing the lives of people across the country who once suffered from chronic, debilitating pain in their feet, legs and back. In addition these shoes are great for those of us who spend long periods of time on our feet. "
November is a prime time to get checked for diabetes
Hinton Parklander, Hinton, AB The number of Canadians diagnosed with diabetes has soared over the past few years, and the people of Hinton are no exception.
Nation-wide, about two million people are known to have diabetes - that’s double from about five years ago.
Locally, there were 40 referrals to the diabetes clinic in 2003. Since only January of this year, there have already been 60 referrals.
An increase in obesity has been cited as one reason for this increase but, as local nurse Ruby Barnes points out, those numbers don’t necessarily mean diabetes is raging out of control.
It could mean more people are getting tested, so doctors are catching the disease more often. And that testing, said Barnes, could make a big difference in a person’s quality of life.
Diabetes is a condition where the body either cannot produce insulin or cannot effectively use the insulin it produces. If left unchecked, the disease will dramatically impact a person’s blood-sugar level.
“Anything above the norm in a person’s blood-sugar over a period of time causes damage to the blood vessels,” said Barnes, adding that this can lead to heart attacks, strokes, kidney damage and a variety of other health problems.
That’s why the Hinton Health Care Centre is actively promoting Diabetes Month, which runs for all of November.
And to help provide general information about the disease and to remind people of the importance of getting checked for diabetes, Barnes is organizing a number of awareness-raising events that are open to the public.
By Dustin Walker
Monday November 08, 2004
Canadian Diabetes Association
Sunday, November 07, 2004
Several weeks ago, I called Mike Gonzalez, President/CEO of Quest Technologies, seeking a photo of a Z-CoiL laced with brightly colored Knoty Boy laces. He didn't have any. So the same day, I went to the Shoe Safari in Silverdale, snapped a handful of digital pixs on their spotted carpet and later played around with the images in Photoshop Deluxe. I e-mailed a couple of jpegs to Mike for his reaction. He said the photos are all washed out with color. I also showed them to a couple of Z-CoiL retailers. They approved of my arty footwear pixels.
So, I share these with you only because of the positive responses and not as an endorsement or promotion for Quest Technology.
Friday, November 05, 2004
eBay item 5336927435 (Ends Nov-09-04 18:06:52 PST) - Z-Coil Pain Relief Cloudwalker Leather Tennis M - 9
eBay item 5336927435 (Ends Nov-09-04 18:06:52 PST) - Z-Coil Pain Relief Cloudwalker Leather Tennis M - 9: "
Men's Shoes US Size: 9
Type: Athletic
Condition: New: In Box Tennis
Classic Black Leather Athletic Shoe! - perfect for walking, sports, every day use.
Exceptional Foot Support and Cushioning - New and in box!
Flexible and Breathable Leather Upper.
Lined with Supple Nylon Mesh (for support around the foot)
Say good-bye to foot, leg, and back pain!
Extra-Soft, Felt-Lined Insole, Padded Tongue"
Items from seller joyandlaughter
Z-Coil Pain Relief Cloudwalker Leather Tennis M - 9 $90.00 - $130.00 -4d 06h 30m
Z-Coil Pain Relief Cloudwalker Leather M - 9, VELCRO $90.00 - $130.00 - 4d 06h 32m
Z-Coil Pain Relief Freedom 2000 Blue/White M - 9 $90.00 - $127.00 - 6d 06h 27m
Z-Coil Pain Relief Comfort Classic, Hidden Coil M - 9 $120.00 - $190.00 -6d 06h 41m
eBay item 5335782360 (Ends Nov-10-04 19:15:37 PST) - Ladies Z-Coil Zueco "pain relief" Clogs - W 8.
eBay item 5335782360 (Ends Nov-10-04 19:15:37 PST) - Ladies Z-Coil Zueco "pain relief" Clogs - W 8.: "PLEASE CHECK 'VIEW SELLER`S OTHER ITEMS' FOR MORE GREAT SHOES AND BOOTS. These fine quality black leather clogs are in very good condition with just very moderate signs of being worn; moderate wear to the heels and soles, a couple of light scuffs, creases on the toe areas, etc.
They are in VERY sound condition with a huge amount of wear left in them; very clean. If You have foot problems these might be the answer because every lady that I`ve talked to who wears this type of shoe swears by them. ALL SHOES HAVE BEEN CLEANED AND SANITIZED; READY TO WEAR. If You don`t like these return them for complete refund of original purchase price; return shipping not included. Buyer pays shipping with no rip-off stuff like 'handling' charges, etc.} Insurance, etc., is extra. All personal checks must clear before item or items are shipped.
If you have any questions, please email me! Happy bidding! . Feel Free To Call Us AT- ( 775 ) - 972 -6664 . WE DO NOT SHIP U.P.S. "
Thursday, November 04, 2004
2004 Foot Health AwarenessMonth Campaign
"Podiatrists Keep America Walking"
Walk Your Way to Better Health
Choosing a Walking Shoe That's Right for You
The Top 10 Do's and Don'ts for Walking
Stretching Tips for Exercise Walkers
The Top 10 Excuses Not to Walk
Alternatives to Walking
Do You Know...The Amazing Facts About Walking
A True/False Quiz About Walking
A press release about the "Podiatrists Keep America Walking" Campaign
Your2Feet: CraigsList: Z-coil therapeutic pain relief Footwear and so much more
Z-coil therapeutic pain relief Footwear and so much more: "Date: 2004-10-11, 6:09PM PDT
The revolutionary approach to pain relief-non-surgical/ non narcotic, yet the testimonials tell the stories for relief for foot, leg and back pain. Visit our website to see how they can help you too."
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
Washington Missourian: Villa Ridge Woman Opens Shoe Store in Ellisville
Washington MissourianKathy Erwin saw a problem and decided she would do her best to fix it. Everywhere she looked, she noticed people were in pain, and Erwin, who lives in Villa Ridge, thought she knew the problem. They had bad footware.
As a result, in March of this year, she opened Spring Action and Footwear of St. Louis, located in Ellisville offering Z-Coil shoes.
Z-Coil shoes have a built-in shock reducing coil on the heel of the shoe, designed to ease the pain of those suffering from various ailments, such as back pain, leg and knee pain and foot pain.
Erwin said the shoes also are good for those on their feet all day, such as nurses, factory workers, schoolteachers and construction workers.
"Because this footwear alleviates the shock wave your body experiences with each step, anyone who walks, stands or spends any time on their feet could benefit from Z-Coil footwear," Erwin said.
Jason Granger
Missourian Staff Writer
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
Z-CoiL Dot Com:Testimonial of the Month: November
After reading the recent Baltimore Sun story about Z-CoiL shoes, my wife Joann and I decided to visit Coil Heaven in Laurel, Maryland, and see what the fuss was about. I mark that down as one of the wisest decisions we have ever made. I am 62 years old with a bum knee, and in the past year was diagnosed as having a herniated disc that was pressing against the sciatic nerve and causing me several problems, such as numbness and at times loss of function in my right calf. My wife has had back problems at times, which would result in her being required to take pain pills and rest. Her biggest problem was standing on her feet over 1/2 hour and walking any distances. This is where Z-CoiL footwear comes into the picture.
Once we entered Coil Heaven we were greeted by the most energetic, professional and knowledgeable sales persons I have ever met. Ms. Kathryn Jo Ottman explained the concept and design of these shoes and showed us several pairs and styles. We tried several pairs on and walked around to test them. To make a long story short, these shoes are the most comfortable pair of shoes I have ever had on my feet. Since I have been wearing them, I have not had a single problem with my back, knees or feet. I now walk everywhere and just hate to take them off for the night. My wife is ecstatic that she can now walk around our development with ease, stand on her feet for longer periods of time and no longer requires pain pills for her back.
These shoes are truly amazing, but to really give them a test, my wife and I visited our grandchildren in Ocean City last week. Now you know when you have two little boys, one three and the other five, you must walk the boardwalk. Not only did we walk the length of the boardwalk, but at times carried one or both grandchildren. We even outlasted my daughter and son-in-law. All this because of these shoes. They are absolutely wonderful and I will never give them up. My wife loves them so much she is going back to Coil Heaven to order the high tops for winter.
To add one more item to our satisfaction list is Ms. Kathryn Jo Ottman. What a delight to have met her. She truly believes in this product and it shows. I can honestly say we bought these shoes not only because they felt good on our feet at the store, but because Ms. Ottman just won us over.
Thank you Z-CoiL and Ms. Kathryn Jo Ottman.
Joe and Joann Elwood
Havre De Grace, Maryland
Monday, November 01, 2004
Internet Casino Goes Shoe Shopping for Breast Cancer Research
Internet Casino Goes Shoe Shopping for Breast Cancer ResearchInternet casino went on a shopping spree this weekend at the online Stuart Weitzman Celebrity Shoe Auction for Breast Cancer Research, purchasing shoes decorated by: Celine Dion, Hilary Duff, Destiny's Child, Jessica Simpson, Cher, 50 Cent, Queen Latifah, Pink, Peter Frampton, Alicia Keys, and Macy Gray.
The music stars put their own personal touch on each of the shoes such as rap artist 50 Cent's white and pink crystals on a gray pump along with a 50-cent piece affixed at the heel, and Queen Latifah's regal pump in bright magenta, with a crown adorning the toe.
The total amount spent by to buy the shoes was just over $18,000, with all proceeds going to fund Breast Cancer research in the hopes of advancing treatment and finding a cure for the deadly disease.
Friday, October 29, 2004
Sunday, October 24, 2004 | biography books movies | my story | biography books movies | my story
Dear Jack,
There are several Z-coil shoe stores around the country - or at least here in the southwest. None of them owned by Shirley, and to my knowledge she never thought of opening a chain. There is one in Santa Fe, NM and I know of one in Prescott, AZ. I don't have the names nor the addresses. We meet folk at various spots in the country that have them and swear by them. Shirley still wears them and loves them.
Have a good week.
Fri, 22 Oct 2004 21:08:29 -0400
Email to Shirley Maclaine Dot Com:
I'm seeking the Enquirer 2002 article written about Shirley Maclaine. In the story, she talked about Z-CoiL shoes. Is it in the online archive?
Does Shirley wear the bouncy shoes?
Rumor Mill: Shirley entertained the idea of opening a Z-CoiL store chain of stores. True?
Sunday, October 24, 2004
Labels: Celebrity
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
My Story: JOlmsted
I have had a major bad back since selling newspapers at Ford Ord, CA at the age of 10. I spent two weeks chopping wood before standing on my feet for 12 hours a day at the Puyallup Fair last month. My back was way out of whack.
But, after standing on concrete for two days with the spring in my soul that supported 40%-50% of my body weight, my back felt great! I just had to lay down a couple of times during the day for about 20 minutes and that was it. Zero Pain. I couldn’t even crack my back when I went to bed! My back was like aligned.
I interviewed over 75 Z-CoiL owners that passed by the 10X10 booth and took over 480 digital pictures. The personal stories are being published at the Your2Feet Blog ( They are unedited, two-minute (max) audio (wav, 1meg) interviews that explain why these individuals spent over $200 to put a spring in their step. Check them out! See the September 2004 achieves for all the multimedia coverage during the 17 day fair.
Monday, October 18, 2004
eBay - z coil, Men's Shoes, Women's Shoes at low prices
eBay - z coil, Men's Shoes, Women's Shoes The reasons behind selling Z-coiLs on eBay.
I didn't have a store, had just bought some from a distributor so would have some to sell with my "Shoe Spring" shoes, I ran a tea room so was just selling these shoes and other items, I did not try to sell them back to the other distributor.
Response to your question for item #5331021646 - Z-Coil shoes New Mens Size 8 or Womens size 9.5
I purchased the shoes because they really feel good and I wanted to use them at the gym on the treadmill. Then I found I never wear them. I am a home inspector by trade and I cannot wear the shoes due to ladders and places I have to go. I usually go to the gym after I finish work and they are too large for my gym bag. As a result they sit in my closet.
Response to your question for item #5330899602 - Z Coil Mens Jogging Shoes Black Size 10
Hi, Thanks for looking at my auction. I wear a size 9 ladies Z-coil and I have a pair that I couldnt live without. I love them. I have plantar fasciitis and they've saved my life. These are a size 8 and my husband picked them up thinking that they'd fit me but don't. Thanks
Response to your question for item #5331154531 - Womens SIZE 8 Z-COIL chocolate BROWN Shoes CLOGS slipon